Kicking off proceedings they've pulled in the talents of two of the best resident DJs they've found in Glasgow. Kev Stevens and Craig Moogroove are resident DJs and co-promoters of the fantastic Solar Disco parties held on the second Saturday of each month in the Brunswick Hotel basement which they run with their mate Paul Maelstrom(Eskimo Recordings).
Taking in sounds from the likes of Tensnake, Floating Points, 6th Borough Project, Cottam and various other cutting edge producers these guys regularly turn the Brunswick basement in Glasgow into a proper sweatbox with full on body rockin sets.
Slo-Mo takes place on Thursday 6th May at The Flying Duck In Glasgow from 11pm-3am.
Here's a mix from Slo-Mo resident Stuart Holbeck to get you in the mood....
SLO-MO PROMO MIX - STUART HOLBECK - MAY 2010 by Stuart Holbeck
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